Wednesday, May 18, 2011

McLaren "Mega Mac" faster than Veyron supercar GrandSport ?

The team from McLaren is working on a new flagship, whose purpose is to eclipse any other supercar launched so far. The model is expected to start in 2014 and it is internally called "Mega Mac".
The hypercar will be built in just 500 copies, and each will have 799 hp and will cost between 350,000 and 400,000 pounds. Compared to the current MP4-12C, the model will be bigger, "nervous" and more functional than the current flagship of McLaren, and "Mega Mac" will bear a resemblance to both the McLaren F1 and the MP4-12C .
McLaren will equip future engines for "Mega Mac"with active aerodynamics, which will involve a movewment from the front spoiler and rear bumper under certain conditions. In addition, the model will have an aerodynamic brake, similar to the current one for the MP4-12C model.
The engine is a V8 twin-turbo 5.0-liter, which will develop 799 hp and is designed by  the Ricardo company. The maximum torque, 799 Nm, will be offered between 3500 rpm and 6800 rpm and the engine will engage the rear wheels via a seven-speed Graziano transmission and two clutches.

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